Sunday, May 11

I Miss You.

“I miss you”. It is a statement, up front and straightforward. It is a common phrase on life. But, if it is so common, why must I pull it out?

[I know]. The voice is unheard, and its owner unseen, but still it is there, and it is waiting.
“No, I’m sorry”. I fumble on my words, and try again: “I’m sorry I got you involved”. I stop short, unsure of how to excuse a mistake done twice over, a mistake etched into my history but completely overlooked and underestimated. I hope for forgiveness I don’t deserve.
[Understandable. Twice doesn’t make it an immovable sin]. The same indifference.
“Wait, you aren’t understanding!” I cry out spontaneously. “I should have never summoned you. I knew the consequences of dreaming…” I halt a moment, and all remains silent. “I should have known it wouldn’t work, my creating you and synthetic happiness-“
[Synthetic? It seemed rather real to me]. The unheard voice cuts me short, and I grow silent at the response. [Well, perhaps the first- my predecessor- was of synthetic joy. I, however, disagree with the idea that your happiness wasn’t real. Why else would you miss me?].
I am taken aback and at a loss for words, and gaze in perplexed appearance at the unseen person. My discomfort causes me to hold my breath and play dumbfounded.
[You miss me, and yet you fear me]. If the voice was not unheard, I might hear a mocking tone, or a chuckle. But I have no way of knowing…and it doesn’t matter.
“I know you aren’t real” I whisper half-heartedly to myself. “You are the child of my imagination taunting the physical world”.
[But a part of me exists in your world, does it not?]. I bite my lip, as I am unable to deny this truth. [Furthermore, there is much more of my energy present than you admit to realize. Do you know why?].
I am genuinely confused and unnerved, and close my eyes in hopes of disintegrating. But curiosity influences even the mightiest of men. “Why is that?”. My voice is quiet and cracking.
[Because I wasn’t modeled upon your imagination, I was modeled on an entirely existent piece of YOUR life].
“But I ran away!” I blurt out in exasperation. “I am a bloody coward, just like before!”. I tremble with anxiety.
[But you miss me…therefore I am not all that you are missing]. My eyes fall to the floor in agony at the truth and the confusion clouding my mind. Through the fog I see the unseen figure, and in the chaos I hear the unheard voice:
[Silly child! Don’t you know that you cannot hide form your fantasies?].

I miss you…whoever it is I am missing.


yes I do :|


Saturnalia's Offspring said...


Psychotic Philosopher said...

whoelse ?

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool. I won't ask the same question, though. XD

Vartika said...

A very abstract thought! or so it seemed to me!

Psychotic Philosopher said...

@ la Reine
How intelligent of you :D

everything is abstract :| :P

Unknown said...

oh boy!