Tuesday, September 9


My name, a random stream of letters,
My heart, a jumbled mess of feelings,
My mind, full of insane ideas,
My body, a foreign vessel,
My identity, unknown and unknowing

Who am I?
Why am I here?
Where is here?
Who is this person, spending his days in a dream, controlling me?
My thoughts are scattered, I can't see, can't breathe...

Warmth, you eyes on me, on this man, spending his days in a dream..
Who are you? Why, oh why, do I feel like this?
Your head resting against my shoulder, My heart flutters,
What am I thinking? I see you from afar,
Do you see me? Can you hear me?
I retreat, headache, wanting but cautious,
Can I trust you? Can I trust myself?
Cold... You look away, I can't stand not knowing, but I'm to afraid to speak.
How? Oh how can I tell you?
Kind and gentle.... but the words, the remarks, the jokes...
My head is in the clouds, this woman, me, spending her days in a dream,
I long to speak, to say the words, but I am paralyzed, I can't go through with this!

Help, someone, please....

Your arms around my shoulders, I shiver, the tiny glint of doubt, the minuscule shread of distrust....

I love you.

The words jump, unbidden, to my lips, my heart stops,
Will you accept? Will you cast me aside?

What can I do?

I wake, see the world, dark and cold, and hide, digging deeper in the sheats, I can't tell you, I just can't.

I'm lost without you

The world fades away, the dark, my doubt, refuses to let go, your face a fuzzy picture in the distance, I retreat, shelter my hope, I will, I must tell you, because...

I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! totally...

thoughts seems to be quite inconsistent though. you started with a curiosity - 'who am I'; finally ended up to - 'i love you' stuff!

but still...great stuff man.