Wednesday, September 3

So Near......So Far

Your memories stay with me
So close to my heart
So close that I can see
How much you mean to me

So far that I have to rely on memories
The memories that I try to hold
But fade a little more each day

Though you are miles away
Your so close in my heart
As though my fingers hold the key
The key between you and me

So don't give up hope
Somehow I promise you
Someday we will be together
And hold each other in a warm embrace

And when that day comes
I will be the happiest person around
But untill that day comes
You are so near yet so far


A Random Traveler said...

Sometimes i feel, telepathy has to be evolved in the human genes. Could be very helpful for yearning hearts..:)

Psychotic Philosopher said...

@ random traveler :

Human are better without any mutation..superhuman, i dont want to be..but i would like to have something for telepathy for this yearning heart.