Tuesday, December 22

The Grand Inquisitor

Ah! So here I speak to him, who hath returned,
The one who promises all the hungry to be fed,
Proclaims that all the naked shall be clothed,
Whose second coming has been so greatly foretold?
Yet I do ask this to thee, oh King of Peace
Why is it that you do not wish suffering to cease?
You make between man and others a sunder
This decision I would consider your blunder
Man you extol above all other creation
But I would say you’ve given him too great a ration
You afford him free will, but is this what he need?
Freedom you treasure he quickly trades for feed
Time and time again he has just spat in your face
This has been repeated by his entire race

In the desert three questions to thee were posed
By the wise spirit, whom from hell had rose
In these questions lie all subsequent history
Want of authority, miracle, mystery.
So, forsooth, thou hath sown thy very own demise.
For you shall never see any happiness in their eyes.
This freedom you gave is far too heavy a weight
And for this gift it is you they will forever hate
You see, we shall take this burden as they desire
Suffer we instead, freedom’s eternal fire
We shall do this in your great and sanctified name
So that their conscience we may easily claim
For this you know you must die again this next day
With the heretics and blasphemers you will lay

Your presence here is, on us, an imposition
So you shall fall victim to our inquisition.

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