Thursday, December 17


the ebb of the storm is left
vapors wring in our ears
something left deep within
the cushions of our minds

heightened senses bring only
darkened preclusions, prepositions
to what we could have never wanted

holes raked out of our head
bloodied foreheads, stitched up necks
the screws drive from within to out

if the power plant was bitter
as wood, russia could melt our hearts?

lowered are our expectations no
letting go the eternal amiss

a joke, a humorous slight
against "the establishment

stained is my heart for you
shout won't get it out
tarnished is my image of you
bereft of reason finally
i start again
i climb or walk in olf age with you?
i must be crazy to love me like i do

traversed crags, grumps, and your
broken body to get there

the hilltop erupts
the clouds forage in my summit
all above my head
beyond my order
transcending seeming scrambled
eggs... from chaos or origins deep
Teutonic plates shofted
the tears of a million cherubim won't do,
formed way before, the stew

geographies, re-figured borders
boundries of the souls tossed
anime mundi crossed
politics as usual?
or usually unemotional?
rent and vagabond is the mind right now
settle for a drink or two
cocktails in half an hour maybe
in some fancy out of the way place
a wry limerick is tod, the lady adjusts
her pant leg.... are we that disconnected,
or have we discovered a truer intimacy
can you cry, can you laugh, this is
your bodies... right this place
this is the temple
don't tell me again
how it's been disgraced
all we want to tell, hear
is sweet little i love you's
left on the pillows
in the shape of petals, or hearts
not one more tear ok
break the synapse that
causes the muscle to tense
i always forget cause and effect
divine causal theory elapses
like lungs that breathe in
only the crest of the subsiding waves

is this your shore
lie down
is that your sky
look up please
are those YOUR stars
count them, will you
til you find that holy sleep

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