Thursday, June 5

Birthday Song.

The cup of morning coffee
is a separate existence
the dishes are a journey
to the edge of the world and back.

Waking up is being born
And so the candles on the cake
are torches raised in honor
to another year gone by

"Sing happy birthday
like it's gonna be your last day,
like it's hallelujah"

You hum softly to yourself
and don't just let it go by
put on a smile, see yourself
in the mirror, know it's real

Listen to the music
in your head
as the whole world
sings your happy birthday song.

And you pleasantly hum along.

PIC : \Google/
1. Related : I assume perfect birthday in this way only. (MayBe!)
2. Unrelated : Love the movie "bridge to Terabithia" and my love for it made me put this sketch.

1 comment:

DS41690 said...

Magnificent And Amazing,
jus like ol the other 1s im in total luv wit this 1 too!!:D