Monday, August 4


P1 : I So want to sleep.
P2 : Please, Make her to come in my dream.
P1 : Wait a minute, Who is she ? oh, SHE. Why the fuck you are moaning to be her in your dreams, you want to wet your pants ?
P2 : No,its nothing like that.
P1 : what it is like, then ?
P2 : Nothing, you would not understand, You are a mean abusive selfish person.
P1 : nice Adjectives you use for me.
P3 : Whoa!! What is going on ?
P2 : We are fighting, Again.
P3 : This is SO going to be a blog post.
P2 : People will laugh.
P1 : Does it look like i fucking care ?
P2 : Yes, You do, My old fighter friend, You so do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

P4: Muhuhahahahaha