Tuesday, July 3

Silent Whispers

A silent whisper fills the dark room.
Another night without my sanity.
Interrupted kisses in the middle of crowds.
The strangest echo of something in my head.
A horrible feeling of deja-vu.
I have already been here before,
and seen these things of which I speak of.
As I feel my grip on reality slip,
I see the wrongs I've done in my life,
and I laugh out loud.
The sound scares me and I quickly stop.
I lay here shaking, thinking this is it.
I have finally gone over the edge,
and now I'm falling, fast, to the ground.
My eyes are clouding from the sweat and tears.
I wonder if I could right my wrongs,
before I reach my end.
If I have the strength to face my fears.
I scream out all my pain,
and the sound brings me to myself.
It seemed so real, but it was only a dream.
Somewhere behind closed curtains,
I find that the silent whispers belong to me.

1 comment:

Ashish said...

"I wonder if I could right my wrongs"
This is the thing man we can always wish and wish.
Sometimes we dont get something because we dont deserve them, then we dont feel that bad as we know that we cant have them
Sometimes it are out own actions which force us away from the thing. That thing itself comes to us but we just make mistakes and mistakes and we cant help it.
By the way nice poetry, I wish SA would leave some of the comments here :)