Wednesday, December 10

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Its a circle you know? It will go around and round, this pain. You feel. For her, for him. The pain will never go away. Even when you look back on it 50 years from now, its gonig to hurt. That pain, right there. to your left a bit. Yes right there where you ribs are where your heart would have been if she didnt break it. Where yo heart would have been if that bastard of a male didnt cheat on you. And i didnt want to be the bad guy, but i swear it me and not you, and i still want to be friends i just dont want to ever talk to you again. PLEASE DONT GO. now..Now is the time that we will rise...we will rise to our feet. We wil wipe all the shit off our face and redem the ideas and thoghts that we right down. Becuase we wouldnt the people we are today if we didnt fele the paint hat we felt yesterday. We wouldnt be the people of tomarrow if we were the childen of today, and yesterdays news paper is still news if you read it today, and never heard of it. ITs all a circle can you see? im not wanting to live ina reality. That wasnt suppose to rythme, but you know what? She wasnt suppose to leave me.
Its hard somtimes i know, to get over there. ANd its hard somtiems i know to feel like the world is understanding you becyuase they are not. Why do we ask for understandment and constenrly bitch about how no one understands us when infact, i have no idea whats running through my head right now, i have no idea what i am thinking right now, im letting flow acorss the page word for word, you ebtter make it count, she might slap me in the face. Adn dont you see? We can barely understand ourselves. Dont judge, but be presistent and be secure. Dont understand anyone, if you do, they become boaring. If you think you understand them, then your just a cocky know-it-all bastard. THen in itself, your just a bastard, and im a dick.
Maybe if we all stopped at one point and took 3 steps backwrads, everybody in teh world, would that turn back time? Would that be traveling through pysichal time? Time moves on, that clock still ticks, but everybody replays the last 3 steps. Why 3 you ask? Becayse anything more then 3 would just hurt to much.
Have you ever typed a word instead of the one you meant to type. When you go to type "heart" but you type "hurt" thats when you know you have to stand again, and fight some more. I swore i deamt last night i was banging on the walls and I dreamt last night that i dreamed. I never dream but when i do its over fast and its never fun.
I thought you knew me, i though you were the one, i swear i dont want to hurt you, i just want to be friends.
If you wanted to be friends then you should have been more clear on what you think freinds are.
In time, i wil come to hate you. After that time i will fall in love with you all over again. Then i will begin to hate you for being so god damn fucking beutiful. Then i will fall for you all over again. And each and every time i fall for you, i fall face flat into the cement and get a taste of blood, and im just itchin for more, please tell me there is more.
Now its a circle here, remember? 360 degrees, its not gann hurt untill you come all the way back. A mile is a mile, but a step is closer to death. Now when you truly think about it us humens are not only stupid, but oblivouis. you dont care for me. You ahve never looked into my eyes. And if you looked into my eyes, you were looking at my pupil, you saw my iris, and the rods and cones....But you missed my soul. its right there in front of you, plan as day, and clear as halite. It doesnt doublt refract images so now you know defintly its not calcite. Just dont put acid on me, i have already done that with my tears, flowing all the way down to my belly button, and still counting. YEs, im crying that much, and Yes, you have been here before. And now, you do not have a scar of a cross in your left forearm, but do you want one?
You know sombody noticed it once. And now its when you leave me alone, forget about me, move on with your life and you have wasted another hour of your life thinking like i do.
I cant stay on a subject but i will never stop thinkign about you. And i will ever quite on loveing you becuase i jsut cant.
Welcome to a place where time stands one leaves and no one will. I will never let them leave. But please get me out of here.
Its a circle, you have to go throgh it, every degree that there is. Just keep going, dont stop, dont stop, keep going. It hurts alot seeing you, kinda go like someone puttin heavy rods of iron into my stomach and splashing them around a bit.
Circle, thats very importent, please when your done with this dont forget that cirlce.
DOnt sit down on that iether that is bad for you. Iw ant you to remember me, for everything i did.
I am a person that stands alone.
I am a person that stands byhimself.
I stand outside, can not get the open air.
I stand outside, can not go further through time.
Circle. Sanitaruim. Circle. Thats imporent.
All things liveing in nature will come around and come together complete there paths complete ther jounries.
Im searching for that line, that line in this prose that iwll make it perfect, it is you you are perfect, the reader will watch this show.
Read my now.
See me now?
Hear me now? you dont.
ITs a circle cant you see? We want to live in one line, keep on going in a stright line liveing life in each speerate experiance, opps not i curved a bit. No i am not gay, but thanks for asking.
My mmind is like a crowded tunnel. I do not knwo where i am. Litterally. There are all these people and personalities aroung and i cant find me. Tis is why i am alone. This is why she left me. I never asked to be hooked up to machines and i never wanted to be asked stupid question. I just want to hear her scream my name and yell for mercy, i wanted to get teh satifaction of knowing i won.
And my friend, in the circle of life.
We all loose.

PS : god save ashok's keyboard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just realized something after readinng this. Eve though I knew it before but this made it clear.
and poor cutie pie (Ashok) :( :P